We are a safe agency - following all the COVID-19 rules and ensuring you remain safe during the buying and selling process

At Schultz Realty we remain committed to providing our Clients with exceptional customer service and are here to assist you during these challenging times to ensure your property sale or purchase runs safely and smoothly.

As a wife, mother and Real Estate Agent, I want to reassure you that Schultz Realty is operating within the new Government guidelines regarding COVID-19.

We are also implementing new features to offer sellers and buyers including virtual tours, property videos, FaceTime inspections, electronic offers, electronic contracts and more.

Schultz Realty

The good news is we are still conducting Private Inspections, Appraisals, Building and Pest Inspections, Photo’s, Video’s, Virtual Tour’s and Bank Valuations. However, to ensure everyone’s safety and good health and in order to comply to the Governments 2-person rule, the following policy and procedures are now in place:


Open-for-inspections can now be conducted via private appointment or by ‘open house’ inspection method with a maximum of 10 people. A maximum of three people can conduct the open house inspection in addition to the 10 attendees.

01Everyone – will be asked the following questions:

Have you, your family or work mates have been overseas or interstate in the last 2 weeks?

Have you been told to self-isolate or been quarantined due to the illness?

Have you been in contact with any COVID-19 cases or any COVID-19 hot spots in the last 14 days?

Have you had any flu like symptoms or lethargy in the last 14 days?

If anyone answers YES to any of these questions, no appointment of any kind is possible. If upon arrival at any appointment the person demonstrates any flu like symptoms, unfortunately they will be turned away. Safety is our top priority.

02Before booking an inspection, Buyers are requested to:

Ensure they have fully read the property description online and have viewed the property photos / video / virtual tour.

It Is also recommended buyers take a drive-past the property to ensure it really is what you are looking for.

We recommend buyers contact us if there are any questions about the property. We are here to help and are happy to provide as much information as needed. Or ask for a virtual tour using Facetime/Messenger which we will be happy to accommodate.

03Private Buyer inspections

Sorry – but for everyone’s safety there will no longer be a handshake greeting. A smile will greet you and is also welcomed in return

Only the actual buyer/s will be allowed into the property - sorry but no friends, family etc. during this time

Only one buyer at a time will be taken through to inspect the property due to the Government’s 2-person gathering rule as the Agent will need to be present

Social distancing of 1.5 metres is to be maintained at all times

Buyers will be required to sanitise their hands before entering the property

Buyers are NOT permitted to open doors or touch anything in the property

04Sellers will be provided with a detailed information sheet outlining requirements for inspections, photo shoots, valuations and building and pest inspections.

Finally, if you become unwell within 14 days of attending an inspection, please contact us immediately. At all times please ensure you provide accurate contact information should anyone associated with an inspection later test positive for COVID-19.

COVID-19 No Handshakes

Smile To Greet Your Agent

Sorry, no handshakes, no hugs. We will also accept waves.
COVID-19 Wash Hands

Avoid Touching Surfaces

Please use hand sanitiser or wear gloves before entering the home.
COVID-19 Social Distancing

Keep Your Distance

Please use the 1.5m social distancing rule during your inspection


Do you own a home?

If you would like tips on how to choose an agent and prepare your house for sale, get in touch here and we will send you a copy of our book, 'A Seller's Guide'!